CSS Flexbox is powerful

Flexbox is a amazingly powerful layout mode for designing a website.. If we have better understanding of CSS flex box,ย we can build dynamic layouts that respond automatically, rearranging themselves as-needed for any type of websites.

Introduction to Flex Box

So if you are tired of using float, tables and other traditional layout methods to create web page layouts, don’t  worry its time to know power of CSS flex box.

With Flexbox, you can create complex and dynamic layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and device orientations.

What is Flex Box ?

  • CSS Flexbox is a CSS layout module that is used to arrange and organize items on web pages in one direction, i.e., horizontally and vertically.
  • It provides an efficient way to arrange, align, and distribute space among elements within a container, even when their size is unknown or dynamic.
  • The Flexbox layout model is bidirectional. This means you can either arrange your elements in rows, columns, or both.

Flexbox is notย  a property. It is a CSS layout module that has numbers of its properties, for example, align-items, justify-content, flex-direction, which helps in aligning the items in a particular direction that we want.


What are the advanages of using Flexbox?

  • It helps to create complex layout easily. Before flex box we need to use combination of float and position which was little complex to handle.
  • Develop responsive layouts without writing lots of media queries.
  • Reorder elements without changing the HTML structure using flex directionย  and order properties.
  • Align the elementย  easily with justify-content and align-item properties.

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